February 26, 2011

Sniffle, Sniffle, Snort: Learning to Breathe...and Let Go.

Any mom will tell you that one of the worst things in the world is when one of your children is sick.

Our youngest son Colin has had quite the week.  Monday the fever started, by Tuesday the fever was worse and an inspection of the back of his throat confirmed that I had passed on to him the strep throat that I had suffered through the week before. (Epic fail on my part.  Kids are supposed to bring the germs home from school and pass them on to Mom, not the other way around.   Ugh.) Thankfully, a call to our doctor was enough to get him a prescription for some antibiotics and I was confident by the next day he would be on the mend.

However, Wednesday produced a very unhappy little boy.  His throat hurt.  His head hurt.  His teeth hurt.  He had lost interest in all food, including the green Jello I had made for him, because everything tasted "weird".  He threw back a couple more doses of Motrin and Tylenol and, after lunch, I was able to convince him to lay down to "rest his eyes".

Three hours later he woke up and his fever had broke.  Ah-ha!  Progress!  I knew by tomorrow he'd be up and ready to attack the world like normal.

But Thursday was not much better.  His fever had returned.  Not alot, but just enough that I knew he still could not go to school.  And by now, he was also very cranky.  Thanks to Netflix, he had burned through several seasons of Jimmy Neutron, Pink Panther and Phineas & Ferb in the last three days.  And just like someone who  binges on all their Easter candy in one sitting, Colin had consumed his fill of cartoons and could not stomach one more.  He was bored and restless.  His throat was much better but now he had started to cough and his nose to run.  We greased him with Vicks, set up the humidifier, prayed and sent him off to bed.

This morning, he woke fever free.  But with his nose running faster than a jack rabbit on fire, I agreed to let him stay home one more day.  By supper time, this was the end result:

Not one, but two, empty boxes of Kleenex and one very large and very full grocery bag of used tissues.

Poor kid.

February 24, 2011

In a Lego Galaxy Far, Far Away...

Ok - this is complete randomness but a friend of mine sent this to me, and being the Star Wars and Lego geeks that we are at my house, I just had to share it.  Enjoy!!

PS - if for some reason it doesn't play/show, go to Randerings to view.  Thanks!

February 22, 2011

Making a Run For It (AKA: Promises, Promises...)

I did it.

Oh, yeah, I did it this time.

I made a promise.  A promise I've got to keep.  Even if it kills me.

It all started 4 years ago, when Isaac saw an ad for the Fargo Marathon Youth Run.  He was determined he was going to do it.  He was only 8 at the time but it was only a half mile and so we figured, "what the heck."

He had a blast!  The food, the crowd, the cool medal at the end of the race...he was hooked.

The next year we brought his whole Cub Scout den with us and they ran it together.  To add to the excitement, big brother, Christopher, ran the half marathon and survived (barely...I guess its actually a good idea to train for these things.  Who woulda thunk?!?)

So then two years ago, Isaac ran the 1 mile youth run and Chris ran the half marathon again (...and trained this time.  He walked out of the Fargo Dome completely upright and in his own strength.)

At the end of the day Isaac announced that next year he and I were running the 5K.  In a moment of weakness and complete inattention, I said "sure."  It was a couple of months before I had my moment of clarity and I found myself gasping "What have I done?!?"

I know some of you are saying "Geesh, its only 5K!"  I know, that only translates to 3.1 miles.  I have several friends and a son that have run the half marathon, the relay and even the whole 26.2 miles...and lived to tell about it.

So why can't I run 3.1 miles?  Let me tell you why...

I am not a runner.  In fact, as of late, I am not even what you would call a "walker."  In all honesty, I have gotten old.  And lazy.  And did I mention "old"?

But I made a promise, and Isaac, who is a stickler for the rules, has not let me forget it.   I've even had an extra year to psych myself up for this:  we had a wedding the same weekend as the race last year,  so we could not participate -  but this year we I have no excuses.

So this last week, I did a couple of very scary things...

First, I printed off our 10 week training schedule.

Second, I actually registered for the race.  

When I got all done registering, I noticed that it said my age on 'race day' will be 42 - I will only be 41!  I am now reconsidering running a race that is telling me it is going to add a whole year to my age in 30 minutes or less.

Is there anyone else out there that would be concerned about this?

At this moment, I am kind of thinking I should just make a run for it - in the other direction.  Not towards the race but away from it.  So I wouldn't have to run it.  But then I would still be running, wouldn't I, and that would be counter-productive.   Bummer.  Moving along...

For all the drama and spouting off I have done about having to run this race, I have a confession:  I am secretly very excited about it.  I have wanted to do some "self-improvement" in this area for several years now but just have not known where to start.  I am not a gym rat.  I am not an athlete.  I am not even particularly coordinated.  

But I do want to be healthy.  And I am well aware that even though I try to eat healthy, I don't drink or smoke, I try to take my vitamins and drink plenty of water...none of that is enough.  Especially if my idea of "getting a workout" is making several trips up and down the steps on the days I do laundry (and the sad thing is, on  some days, this is enough for me to break a sweat.)

As I write this there are several scripture verses that are going through my mind.  Verses about "running the race", proverbs about "laziness" and "foolishness", and exhortations to "walk in spirit and not in flesh."

But the verse that really is encouraging me right now is James 1:4

"Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."

It may not seem as directly related to running as some other verses might be but when I came across this verse a while back, I  felt like it was calling out to me.  I could almost see the flags waving and the town crier yelling "Yo, Dawn, pay attention.  Word for you."

In my mind, the word "perseverance" was underlined and highlighted and I felt God speak to me "Hang in there. Don't give up. You can do this."

And by "this", he wasn't just referring to the upcoming race but to life in general.  To busyness and kids and work and activities...and well, just everything.  That if I want things to get better, if I want things to change in my life, I need to push through.  I need to finish what I start and I must let God finish what he has started in my life.  If I want to be stronger - healthier, physically and spiritually, I must give up some things, sacrifice some stuff, work harder, train longer (at least put in some effort...good grief!), so that I may see the pay off at the finish line.

This applies to so many areas of my life...ugh.

So where do I start?  According to my training schedule, I start with a 5 minute jog.  I can do that.  And in May, I will run that 5K.  And I'm going to persevere...and finish.  And it's going to be worth it.  In fact, I have a feeling it's going to feel great.

And who knows, maybe in 4 years (uh, maybe 5), I'll be running all 26.2 miles.  (But no promises, ok? This time I'm paying attention.)


Your Turn!

In what areas of your life do you need to persevere (ie: hang in there, don't give up)?
Start small - start somewhere - you can do it!