November 11, 2011

I Just Wanted to Say Thank You: Fab Music Friday

We have enjoyed so much freedom for so long
that we are perhaps in danger of forgetting how much blood it cost to establish the Bill of Rights.
~Felix Frankfurter

USMC Graduation, November 09

Today is Veteran's Day and I could attempt to wax eloquent about the importance of patriotism, our troops and our freedoms.

Or I could just get to the point and say what I came to say:

Thank you.

Freedom is never free: someone paid the price.  Make sure you tell that someone "Thank you."

(An extra "Thank you" to my son, Corporal Christopher M Samuels, of the USMC.  I think it's been a few days since we told you how proud we are of you!)

Don't forget to say "Thank You" to veterans today: There are a million ways to say it - just pick one and do it.

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