Now just so you don't get the wrong idea and think I ran out of things to be thankful for, I will explain. The last four days of November were FULL!! Full of family, friends, shopping, several small home projects, church, decorating, some cleaning so we could do some more decorating, Monopoly, Monopoly, Monopoly, more shopping, a little work and ...(deep breath)... a little more shopping. Whew! (Wipe sweat off brow now.)
So I guess my last four days of 'Thankful' posts could be summed up by saying, "my life is full". But a good 'full'. While all of that may sound like a lot of busy-ness, all of it brought me joy (well, except for maybe the cleaning) and opportunities to make memories with friends and family.
I will remember another great Thanksgiving at my Aunt Sherry's - how we had to brave the icy roads and blowing snow to get there but then how the kids spent the day playing (more) Monopoly and the adults were able to just relax, visit and catch up.
I will remember going to Wal-mart at 3 a.m. with the dear hubby to stand in separate lines to get some Christmas treasures. We texted back and forth on our progress (and to keep each other awake) until we could score our good deals. I won't forget the Walmart greeters who were walking around passing out donut holes, Hershey kisses, gum and 5 hour energy drinks. I also will not forget the girl standing next to me in line who got sick from drinking the 5 hour energy drink. (Uff-da).
I will remember watching the cinematic classic "The Ghost and Mr. Chicken" (starring the priceless Don Knotts) with the boys. Hilarious!!! (Next time some one asks you how you are, answer "I'm 3-O!" and see how long it takes them to figure it out. ) It was also funny watching them figure out the connection between Don Knotts' character to Barney Fife to Andy Griffith to Matlock... The boys were amazed that people could be on TV for 'like...forever'!
I will remember taking an hour to set up a lovely Christmas display on top of one of our small living room bookcases. I lovingly filled my new homemade hurricane vases with bright, red, sparkly Christmas ornaments and arranged them around one of my favorite manger scenes. (The 20 year old ceramic manger scene that was a gift from my parents in honor of the birth of our favorite first born son, Christopher.) I finished the display by hanging a wreath on the wall above it. I will never forget hearing the crashing sound, two hours later, of the wreath falling off the wall, completely undoing my beautiful display and breaking 2 of my new hurricane vases. Thankfully and amazingly, the glass nativity emerged from the rubble unscathed and intact. Our first Christmas miracle of the year!

Slaughtered them, in fact.
It was an amazing victory for the chocolate queen.
(Just so you know, we take our Monopoly - and our Scrabble - very, very seriously around this house.)
So, yes, the last few days of November were crazy but full: of love, laughter and memories. I look forward to more days like this and all that they may bring. Well, maybe with a little more Don Knotts and a little less crashing glass...
Be blessed.

OK - too cool! I just found out through a little 'bing' research that you can get a "Mayberry-Opoly"! What would Sheriff Andy think?
Wish i could have joined in on your memories! Sounds fun! KT