May 5, 2011

What Pulls Me...

Today my brain is going a million different directions. It is my day off. And it is sunny (finally!) And I have SO much I want to do before 3:00 when I wrap things up to welcome the kids home from school. And I know that if I don't get a whole chunk of things crossed of that list by the end of the day I will feel frustrated and probably even a little bit cranky.

My to-do list is multiplying like spring bunnies - short little tasks that should only take me a few minutes each to complete.  So why don't I just do it?

Because it's also nice out and I'd love to be outside painting or planting some flowers or even organizing my disaster of a shed.

Then there's also my inside 3 month long 'inside' dilemma of what color I am going to paint our living room/kitchen/dining room.  I am so tired of staring at paint chips but since I cannot even seem to narrow down my choices to something slimmer than "a happy but mature neutral color somewhere in the blue or green or yellow family" I am beginning to think this is the project that might not ever end happen. *sigh*  A decorator I am not.

Then there is the project in the basement...let's not even go there.

But what pulls me - what draws me this morning, I know, is far more important than to-do lists, or garden sheds, or paint chips.  It is my heavenly Father.  This morning I have a hunger for his Word.  I have a need to visit with him and maybe even have a good cry on his shoulder- over my to-do list, my messy house and maybe even a few more things.  I have a longing this morning to just sit with him, to hear him speak to me, to remember that HE is what fills me and completes me.  That HE is what satisfies.

So to-do list - you're going to have to wait.  Paint can - keep your lid on tight for just a little bit longer.  Basement door - I am shutting you (out of sight, out of mind - for now.)

I've got something more important to do first.  And for once, I am going to let it pull me in the right direction.


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