April 5, 2011

Spring Is Here & I've Got Proof!

It has been such a crazy, long winter here in ND this year. While most of the country has been talking about Spring for over a month, we've still been looking at 3-4 foot snow drifts. But over the last few days the snow has been melting quickly. In fact, today I looked outside my front window, marveling at how much of the snow was gone. I could see sidewalks and grass and tree bottoms...and then "Bam!", I saw it.

I could not believe my eyes but I was as giddy as a school girl. I grabbed a camera, threw on my shoes and ran outside - and this is what I found:

Spring was here! It had not forgotten about us, after all. 
Everywhere I looked, Spring was peeking it's nose out in delicate glory.

I thought I had seen it all and then I walked around the corner of the house and spotted these:

My joy was a mixture of tears and giggles. Spring is here! Spring is here!

Spring. Is. Here!

Ok - I better stop jumping on the couch, now, before the kids get home and see me (tee-hee.)

Is there anyone else out there who is this excited about Spring?

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