Day 3: I am thankful that I am blessed enough to be able to afford to go get my hair done. What a treat - and I always feel instantly 29 again!!!
Day 2: I am thankful for a job where I am needed and can feel productive.
Day 1: I am thankful for the opportunities that God has given me to be creative, have fun and express myself. (Even at those times when I probably should have kept it to myself (tee-hee!)
There you have it. I am oozing thankfulness, don't you think? Well, its a start anyhow...

Your turn!
I am challenging you to start your own 30 day list - and share it! Gratitude is contagious!
What are some things that you are thankful for?
What are some things that you are thankful for?
I very often forget to give thanks for everything that I do have. Just recently I have begun reminding myself to smile even though things are not as I wish them to be. My attitude has improved since my self reminders. It is true to give thanks everyday for something and it helps the medicine go down (I stole that). good comments on your part.