Day 22: Monday I was thankful that, even with all the running around, I was still able to find time to sit down and eat a meal with my family. It may not have been a gourmet feast (it was grilled cheese) but it was still time to
catch up on our day so far and plan the rest our night ahead - together - as a family. I wouldn't have it any other way.
Day 23: Today I am thankful for the men in our homes, churches and communities who keep working to make things better. Men do not get enough credit these days and, in fact, I think the way our society as a whole discounts men and what they offer is very, very sad.
We have several men in our church that have been working very hard during their (very limited) free time to remodel our church building. Over the last couple of months, even after long days (weeks) in the field or at other jobs, they have consistently committed to carve out time to saw wood, pour cement, paint ceilings and hang drywall - all so their wives and families can have a comfortable and inviting place to worship.
We know they are NOT doing it for themselves - most men would be happy with folding chairs, some Mountain Dew and an occasional bowl of chips! But they do it because, in their own way, they have a need and a desire to prepare and provide good things for those that they love.
I am thankful for my husband and all the other men out there who, even when the world may try to tell them they are not needed or do not have value, continue to fight the good fight and be the men they were created to be. I tip my glass (of Mountain Dew) to you!

FUNNY! Loved it. Here's to our men!