And there is a style of music for every person, every occasion, every mood, every moment. I have very eclectic tastes when it comes to music. I seriously like just about anything; 50's, 60's, 70's, rock, pop, gospel, hip hop, light jazz, R & B. Anything goes, depending on my mood - as long as it doesn't have screaming in it. Which means no heavy metal or opera - screaming is screaming, no matter if it's the fat lady or the scrawny Brit singing it. (Oh, and I guess I should mention I prefer my music to not be vulgar or offensive either. If I can't listen to it with the kids in the room...)
And music is EVERYWHERE! We've got CD's, mp3s, iTunes, Sirius satellite, radio... I love that I can listen to my favorite radio stations online. So even on those snowy, blowy North Dakota winters when I can't pick up a radio signal, I can just go online and! It is also so wonderful that I can listen to music online at work - where a radio signal could never penetrate those 5 foot thick cement walls (not to mention I am in the only office without a window. Ugh.) There are days when I really need the positive encouragement that only Christian radio can bring.
I love what Heavenly Homemakers has to say about Christian radio:
I have a kitchen radio and I promise you that God uses that thing to speak right to me some days. On the occasions that I feel overwhelmed with work and dishes and schedules and life…I flip the radio on and pray for God to quiet my heart and fill me with His truths so that I will not allow myself to hear Satan’s lies about how “I’ll never get all my work done” and “There just aren’t enough hours in the day” and “I can’t keep up with all of this, what is the matter with me?” Lies.
Combated by truth. The truth that comes through Christian music.
And it’s available 24/7 right through the radio.
Sometimes I need it more than water.
And it changes my entire attitude and heart.My thoughts exactly...
One of the few things I love as much as a new book, is new music. My two new favorites right now are on the light side. First off, we just purchased Susan Boyle's new Christmas CD, "The Gift" - talk about eclectic! About two measures into the first song, I was checking the cover to make sure we'd bought the right CD. Although it has a few traditional Christmas favorites on it, this is not your traditional Christmas CD when it comes to song choice. But the whole album flows together beautifully and I think Keith and I listened to it at least 6 times straight through on the way home from Minneapolis last weekend. And if you really want it - Target's got it for $7.99 right now!!
Oh, and if you get it - give me your feedback on song #2: Hallelujah. I think they're getting their bible stories mixed up [was it Samson and Bathsheba or David and Delilah? ;=) ]
Slow down you troubled world.
The storm has come to pass.
Take a moment and feel loved again; His love will last.
Unloved soul open your eyes
darkness you can feel the light
as it wraps its loving arms around your broken life
everything is fine
keep breathing, keep singing your song
keep loving, keep crying,
your tears will soon be gone and all this pain and suffering
will one day just
be a memory
hope and wait for His harmony
He is our remedy.
Music for the soul.
Be Blessed.

Your Turn!
What music do you like to listen to and why?
One of my most favorite things to listen to (and to watch) is Dawn Samuels praising her Savior! :)